(Only in Italian)
Banca d’Italia ha comunicato all’EBA l’intenzione di conformarsi agli Orientamenti sulle politiche e le procedure relative alla gestione della conformità e al ruolo del responsabile antiriciclaggio (EBA/GL/2022/05).

A tal fine, Banca d’Italia modificherà le Disposizioni in materia di organizzazione, procedure e controlli interni antiriciclaggio del 26 marzo 2019, che risultano già in larga misura conformi agli Orientamenti.
(Only in Italian)
ESMA has published a Final Report on the review of the regulatory technical standards (RTS) on the form and content of applications for recognition by non-EU benchmark administrators, and a consultation on amendments to the RTS on the information that EU benchmark administrators need to provide in applications for authorisation and registration.

The Final Report includes draft RTS that aim at aligning the information provided in a recognition application with the amended BMR following the transfer of direct supervisory responsibilities to ESMA. This is to ensure that these applications include all necessary information in order for ESMA to assess whether the applicant meets BMR requirements.
In the consultation ESMA is seeking stakeholder views on proposed changes to the RTS on authorisation and registration. The objective is to safeguard equal treatment between EU and non-EU Benchmarks administrators by aligning the information requested in applications from EU administrators with the information requested in recognition applications from non-EU administrators.
The consultation will end on 31 January 2023.
ESMA has published the update of its Q&A on: