
With its deep connection and knowledge of the local market, the Energy practice of Legália is able to offer effective professional support for its clients to reach the successful completion of their projects and transactions.

This practice focuses on judicial and extra-judicial activity for domestic and foreign companies and public entities, with particular focus on renewable energy.

In particular, Legália advises investors, owners and managers of renewable energy plants in all aspects involved in greenfield or brownfield projects, such as:

  • the (legal, regulatory, environmental, administrative) due-diligence activity aimed at supporting the investor or the financing party to make the appropriate assessment of the conditions of the target and estimate the risks involved for a competitive pricing of the project,
  • the internal due-diligence required by owners or managers of plants in order to clear potential inefficiencies and irregularities,
  • the actual set up of the business (in connection with the granting of permits and authorisations necessary to carry out activities subject to specific regulation and public control),
  • the solution of land, real rights, town planning and environmental issues for the implementation of the clients initiatives on site,
  • the advice on procedures and criteria for obtaining facilities and incentives to produce energy from renewable sources,
  • the on-going advisory work on regulation and administrative/public law criticalities,
  • the drafting, negotiation and execution of contracts necessary for the implementation of the project,
  • the assistance in on and off-court dispute resolution matters, including litigation and arbitration proceedings.

The Firm has a wide expertise in relation to local public services/public utilities, town planning and real estate transactions and offers to its clients the benefit of a specialised network of technicians, engineers, surveyors and consultants on the ground.

Our professionals have deep connections with relevant national regulatory bodies in the Energy sector and consolidated experience in handling cases with the regional courts as well as at central level of the administrative tribunal.

Legália assists its energy clients also in the Energy Trading business.

ENERGIE RINNOVABILI: Decreto Semplificazioni PNRR – ulteriore snellimento al permitting

March 15th, 2023|0 Comments

 Newsletter n. 23 Il 24 febbraio 2023 è stato pubblicato in Gazzetta Ufficiale il Decreto [...]