( Only in Italian)

Pubblicata sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale una nuova versione delle Disposizioni in materia di sorveglianza sul sistema dei pagamenti, in attuazione dell’art. 146 T.U.B..

Il Provvedimento si applica, oltre che ai sistemi di pagamento all’ingrosso e al dettaglio, anche alle infrastrutture strumentali tecnologiche o di rete rilevanti per il sistema dei pagamenti nazionale.

( Only in Italian)

L’IVASS ha segnalato i seguenti siti internet:

ESMA has published the second Risk Dashboard for 2021, covering the third quarter of the year.

ESMA maintains risk levels unchanged, at a high level, as the market environment remains defined by very high uncertainty, continued elevated asset valuations with risk of price corrections and abrupt shifts in risk premia.

The Governing Council of the ECB approved a New Legal Framework for the oversight of electronic payments (payment instruments, schemes and arrangements – PISAs).
The new framework will apply to the supervision of companies that enable or support the use of payment cards, credit transfers, direct debits, electronic money transfers and digital payment tokens, including e-wallets.
The PISA framework will also cover crypto-asset services, such as the acceptance of crypto-assets by merchants within a card payment scheme and the ability to send, receive or pay with crypto-assets through an e-wallet.
Companies that are subject to Eurosystem supervision will have to adhere to the new regulatory framework by 15 November 2022.

The Board of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) has published a set of recommendations applicable to ESG ratings and data providers.
The report focuses on issues related to ESG ratings and Data Product Provider in order to understand the implications of the activities of ESG ratings and data providers on sustainable investments. IOSCO highlights that as investors become increasingly aware of the potential financial risks posed by climate change and the potential impact of other ESG factors, such considerations are becoming more significant in the investment decision-making process.

EIOPA has published a methodological framework for stress-testing IORPs (Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision) which presents a set of standard approaches, practical rules and possible methodologies to support the design phase and the management of future IORP stress test exercises.

In particular, the methodological framework for stress-testing IORPs sets out:

  • Horizontal approaches and types of analysis that can be applied to all types of IORPs and schemes within the divergent European occupational pension frameworks;
  • A toolbox approach to choose the most relevant set of analyses to be employed and further adjusted to the objective of the individual exercise in a proportionate manner;
  • Approaches to address new and emerging risks, particularly environmental risks.