- “FP Invest” (website www.fpinvest.io and related page https://client.stockplus-it.com);
- XTB Empire Ltd (website https://alfacapitalmarketsltd.com and related pages https://account.alfacapitalmarketsltd.com and https://client.xtb-empire.com);
- “PRIMUSLTD” (website https://fintechmarket-consulting.com and https://primusltd.co and related pages https://panel.primus-ltd.net, trading.primus-ltd.net, https://panel.primusltd.co and trading.primusltd.co);
- “Simple Trading”/“Simple Trade” (website https://afexeu.com and related page https://client.afexeu.com and https://trade.afexeu.com);
Bank of Italy has published eight new Occasional Papers (nn. 797-804):
- No. 804 – Connecting the dots of the international debate on the standardization and granularity of regulatory data
- No. 803 – Procurement managers and effective tendering: The case of Italian public works contracts
- No. 802 – Combining survey and administrative data to estimate the distribution of household deposits
- No. 801 – The increase in earnings inequality and volatility in Italy: the role and persistence of atypical contracts
- No. 800 – To eat or to heat: are energy bills squeezing people’s spending?
- No. 799 – Clever planning or unfair play? Exploring the economic and statistical impacts of tax avoidance by multinationals
- No. 798 – Scenes from a marriage: bancassurance and litigation with clients in the Italian market
- No. 797 – The distribution and use of Italian households’ savings after the pandemic
(Only in Italian)
Nella relazione annuale sul fintech il MEF, oltre a descrivere le modalità di articolazione e funzionamento del Comitato FinTech scende nel dettaglio della prima esperienza di sperimentazione (aperta dal 15 novembre 2021 al 15 gennaio 2022 e ancora in corso con i progetti ammessi), offrendo dati qualitativi e quantitativi sui progetti ammessi alla sperimentazione e sugli impatti dell’attività di monitoraggio e osservazione del fenomeno nel campo della regolamentazione del settore bancario, finanziario e assicurativo.
Terminata questa rassegna, la relazione si chiude con una breve ricognizione delle iniziative intraprese in tema di finanza digitale e con la definizione dei prossimi passi.
The consultation concerns the following profiles of MiCAR:
- sustainability indicators for distributed ledgers;
- disclosures of inside information;
- technical requirements for white papers;
- trade transparency measures; and
- record-keeping and business continuity requirements for crypto-asset service providers.
ESMA will publish a final report on the basis of feedback received and submit the draft technical standards to the European Commission for endorsement by 30 June 2024 at the latest.
ESMA will also publish a third consultation package with the remaining 18-month mandates in Q1 of 2024.
EIOPA has identified strategic priorities on which to focus:
- Integrating sustainable finance considerations across all areas of work
- Supporting the consumers, the market and the supervisory community through digital transformation
- Enhancing the quality and effectiveness of supervision, particularly in view of increased cross-border business
- Ensuring technically sound prudential and conduct of business policy
- Identifying, assessing, monitoring and reporting on risks to the financial stability and conduct of business and promoting preventative policies and mitigating actions
- Providing effective recruitment, management and development of EIOPA’s human capital to further enhance its position as an attractive employer.