(Only in Italian)
A partire da tale data non potranno essere sottoposte all’ABF controversie relative a operazioni o comportamenti anteriori al sesto anno precedente alla data di proposizione del ricorso, sulla base di quanto previsto dalle disposizioni della Banca d’Italia.
The client clearing process facilitates access to central counterparties (CCPs), particularly for firms that are not direct participants in a CCP and must rely on intermediaries to indirectly clear their trades. Since some entities cannot, or choose not to, directly participate in a CCP, improving access to client clearing is critical to the success of the G20’s objective to have all standardised over-the-counter derivatives contracts cleared through CCPs.
Against this background, this CPMI-IOSCO report aims to increase common understanding of new access models that enable clients to directly access CCP services, and of effective porting, or transferring, practices for their positions.
The CPMI and IOSCO encourage industry efforts to engage in further work to:
  1. enhance transparency and disclosure regarding direct and sponsored access model participation; and
  2. develop further effective practices to facilitate porting, thereby ensuring clients’ continued access to clearing in the event of an intermediary default.
EBA has issued a revised list of validation rules for its reporting standards (Technical Standards and Guidelines), highlighting those which have been deactivated either for incorrectness or for triggering IT problems.

Competent Authorities throughout the EU are informed that data submitted in accordance with these reporting standards should not be formally validated against the set of deactivated rules.
In addition, the EBA also reactivated some validation rules, which should be applied again.