Le imprese operanti nei rami Danni inviano annualmente all’IVASS, entro il termine del 30 giugno informazioni sull’attività assicurativa svolta in Italia.
Le imprese trasmettono le informazioni relative ai premi nei rami danni riferiti a ciascun intermediario assicurativo e quelli raccolti tramite attività direzionale, fornendo altresì evidenza specifica dei premi e delle corrispondenti polizze relativi ai rami RC auto (ramo 10), RC generale (ramo 13) e cauzioni (ramo 15), mediante la compilazione della sola sezione “Intermediari” del documento richiesto alle imprese che operano nei rami Vita, di cui all’art. 28-sexies del Regolamento emanato in attuazione del decreto legislativo 21 novembre 2007, n. 2.
 ( Only in Italian)

In pubblica consultazione lo schema di Regolamento che disciplina i procedimenti per l’adozione di atti regolamentari e generali dell’IVASS.

La consultazione terminerà il 3 luglio 2022.
EBA’s proposals aim at addressing risks arising from the provision of lending by non-bank entities in the areas of supervision, consumer protection, anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT), macro and microprudential risks.
While the magnitude of non-bank lending in the EU remains limited compared to credit provided by banks, FinTech activity has been increasing over the last years. The trends observed outside the EU also show that BigTechs and other non-traditional operators have already developed, and successfully rolled out, business models for lending.
The provision of innovative financial services may bring benefits for consumers and increase competition in the market. However, the analysis of the regulatory regimes currently in place indicates that non-bank lending remains largely unharmonised across the EU, and this may create challenges for all the stakeholders, including regulators.
In this Report, the EBA has identified the risks related to provisions of credit by non-bank lenders and put forward some proposals to address them. In particular, the Report highlights the importance of:
  • Ensuring that the consumer protection framework remains fit-for purpose in view of new players entering the market. For that, the EBA is proposing i) to enhance the disclosure requirements and ensure that they are fair, effective and well-suited for new forms of lending; ii) to strengthen the requirements for creditworthiness assessment, to ensure it is conducted in the interest of consumers.
  • Strengthening the provisions in terms of authorisation and admission to activities and clarifying the identification of the prudential perimeter and the supervisory responsibilities in cross-border provision of services, to allow for a more effective oversight.
  • Covering all non-bank lenders in a more comprehensive way in the EU-wide AML/CTF framework, to achieve greater harmonisation and capture such entities as ‘obliged entities’.
  • Enhancing the monitoring and reporting frameworks to avoid that any sudden increase of macroprudential risks remain unaddressed and considering the introduction of activity-based macro-prudential measures to cover all credit providers.