(Only in Italian)

L’Unità di Informazione Finanziaria per l’Italia (UIF) ha pubblicato la Newsletter n.2- 2022 “Le segnalazioni di operazioni sospette- 2 semestre 2021”.

In questo periodo la UIF ha ricevuto 69.401 SOS, completando un anno di crescita vigorosa delle segnalazioni, in aumento del 15,2% rispetto al secondo semestre del 2020. Le SOS complessivamente ricevute nel 2021 si attestano quindi a 139.524 unità (+23,3% rispetto all’anno precedente), mentre le analizzate sono 138.482, in aumento del 21,9%.

Published in the Official Journal of European Union of 20 January 2021 the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/76 of 22 September 2021 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2033 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying adjustments to the K-factor ‘daily trading flow’ (K-DTF) coefficients.

The daily trading flow (DTF) is calculated based on the volume of transactions. Circumstances leading to higher trading volumes may therefore force investment firms dealing on own account, including market makers, to reduce their trading activities. This may lead to a risk of reduced market liquidity, with potential detriments to financial stability. Consequently, as a result of those circumstances, the K-DTF coefficients should be adjusted in a way that does not disincentivise trading activities. Where circumstances lead to lower trading volume, those considerations do not apply and therefore, the adjustments to the K-DTF coefficients should be based only on the trades volumes occurring during periods of high volatility.

ESMA is launching a Common Supervisory Action (CSA) with National Competent Authorities (NCAs) on the valuation of UCITS and open-ended Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) across the EU.

The CSA aims to assess compliance of supervised entities with the relevant valuation-related provisions in the UCITS and AIFMD frameworks, in particular the valuation of less liquid assets, and will be conducted throughout 2022.

The CSA will focus on authorised managers of UCITS and open-ended AIFs investing in less liquid assets i.e.: unlisted equities, unrated bonds, corporate debt, real estate, high yield bonds, emerging markets, listed equities that are not actively traded, bank loans.

The current economic conditions underline the importance of assessing valuation risks which may pose a potential threat to financial stability and this exercise is of utmost importance to effectively address this risk at EU level.