The Bank of Italy has published a report with statistics for the third quarter of 2021 on financial accounts.

( Only in Italian)

L’IVASS ha pubblicato il bollettino statistico n. 1 di gennaio 2022 relativo alla distribuzione regionale e provinciale dei premi lordi contabilizzati nel 2020.

( Only in Italian)

Pubblicata nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 12 del 17 gennaio 2022 la legge 23 dicembre 2021, n. 238, recante disposizioni per l’adempimento degli obblighi derivanti dall’appartenenza dell’Italia all’Unione europea (Legge europea 2019-2020).

La legge reca tra l’altro principi e criteri direttivi per:

  • l’attuazione della Direttiva 2014/17/UE del 4 febbraio 2014, in merito ai contratti di credito ai consumatori relativi a beni immobili residenziali e recante modifica delle direttive 2008/48/CE e 2013/36/UE e del Regolamento (UE) n. 1093/2010;
  • l’attuazione della Direttiva 2013/34/UE relativa ai bilanci d’esercizio, ai bilanci consolidati e alle relative relazioni di talune tipologie di imprese, recante modifica della Direttiva 2006/43/CE e abrogazione delle direttive 78/660/CEE e 83/349/CEE;
  • l’attuazione della Direttiva (UE) 2020/1504 del 7 ottobre 2020, che modifica la Direttiva 2014/65/UE, relativa ai mercati degli strumenti finanziari;
  • l’attuazione della Direttiva (UE) 2019/2177 che modifica la Direttiva 2009/138/CE in materia di accesso ed esercizio delle attività di assicurazione e di riassicurazione, la Direttiva 2014/65/UE, relativa ai mercati degli strumenti finanziari, e la Direttiva (UE) 2015/849, relativa alla prevenzione dell’uso del sistema finanziario a fino di riciclaggio o finanziamento del terrorismo;
  • l’adeguamento della normativa nazionale al Regolamento (UE) 2017/2394  del 12 dicembre 2017, sulla cooperazione tra le autorità nazionali responsabili dell’esecuzione della normativa che tutela i consumatori.

IOSCO has put out for public consultation a report to assist its members in adapting their regulatory approaches to meet the challenges posed by recent developments in technology and online activities.
In particular, IOSCO highlighted how the growth of digitalisation and the use of social media is changing the way financial services and products are marketed and distributed, creating new opportunities to reach potential customers and investors to more easily access a wide range of financial services and products. But developments in digital offerings also give rise to regulatory and investor protection challenges.
IOSCO points out that many digital apps and online trading platforms use ludicisation techniques, which can exploit behavioural biases to influence the trading behaviour of retail investors.
The consultation will end on 17 March 2022.

Following the uncertainty over COVID-19 developments, EBA confirms the need to continue monitoring exposures and the credit quality of loans benefitting from various public support measures.
To facilitate such monitoring, the Guidelines on the reporting and disclosure of exposures subject to measures applied in response to the COVID-19 crisis continue to apply until further notice.

EBA has published a Discussion Paper on its preliminary observations on selected payment fraud data under the Payment Services Directive (PSD2), as reported by the industry for the years 2019 and 2020.

This Paper presents the main findings related to three payment instruments: credit transfers, card-based payments and cash withdrawals.

The preliminary patterns suggest that the regulatory requirements developed in relation to payment security are having the desired effect. In almost all instances, the share of fraudulent payments in the total payment volume and value is significantly lower for transactions that are authenticated with strong customer authentication (SCA) than those that are not. The analysis also confirms that fraud is substantially higher for cross-border transactions with counterparts located outside the European Economic Area (EEA) than those conducted inside this area.

The consultation will end on 19 April 2022.

BCE has published an opinion on a proposal to amend Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 (CRR) and Directive 2014/59/EU (BRRD) with regards the prudential treatment of global systemically important institution groups with a multiple point of entry resolution strategy and a methodology for the indirect subscription of instruments eligible for meeting the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities.


  • acknowledges that the proposed regulation consists of technical adjustments with the aim of operationalising substantive legislative decisions implemented by the latest amendments to Directive 2014/59/EU (BRRD);
  • supports the proposed Regulation, which ensures a better alignment between the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 and the provisions of the BRRD, following the entry into force of the revised framework on total loss absorbency capacity (TLAC) and the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities;
  • supports the proposed regulation inasmuch as it ensures better alignment of the regulatory treatment of global systemically important institutions (G-SIIs) with a multiple point of entry (MPE) resolution strategy, including groups with subsidiaries registered in third countries, with the treatment outlined in the TLAC standard.

The International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) today published its Roadmap 2022-2023.

The 2022-2023 Roadmap includes a prioritisation of IAIS activities focused on five main areas:

  • assessing trends and risks in the global insurance industry, particularly through the Global Monitoring Exercise (GME), an important pillar of the framework for assessing and mitigating systemic risk;
  • finalise the development of global standards, in particular the Insurance Capital Standard (ICS) for internationally active insurance groups (IAIGs);
  • promote effective supervisory practices, in particular to respond to new trends in the global insurance industry;
  • support the implementation of agreed global standards and assess their full and consistent implementation;
  • improve the efficiency and effectiveness of IAIS operations and transparent communication.