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So far Legália has created 208 blog entries.
6 12, 2016

Social lending: Bank of Italy issues provisions on savings collection by non-banks

By | December 6th, 2016|Commercial, Finance, Financial Regulation, FinTech, Newsflash|

[Newsflash n. 21]

Social lending has now been recognized as official financing tool.

On 8 November 2016, Bank of Italy published the long-awaited Provisions concerning Savings Collection by Non-Banks (“Provisions”), which will enter into force as of 1 January 2017. The Provisions (which technically are an update of the Bank of […]

5 12, 2016

PRIIPs: recent developments in EU and Italy

By | December 5th, 2016|Capital Markets, Finance, Financial Regulation, Newsflash|

[Newsflash n. 20]


EU Parliament approves 1-year delay

On 1st December 2016, the European Parliament voted to support a 1-year delay of the implementation of the Regulation (EU) No. 1286/2014 on key information documents for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs) (“PRIIPs Regulation” or “Regulation”).

The application of the long debated obligation of investment companies to to […]

28 11, 2016

Italian pension funds: clarification on limits of investment in AIF

By | November 28th, 2016|Capital Markets, Finance, Financial Regulation, Newsflash|

[Newsflash n. 19]


In its response to a request for clarification on investment limits of pension funds in alternative investment funds (“AIF”) – in line with a 2014 position of the Council of State on the Ministry Decree 166/2014 concerning qualitative and quantitative investment limits for pension funds – COVIP clarified that investment in AIFs is […]

18 11, 2016

La disciplina di recepimento della direttiva ADR

By | November 18th, 2016|Events|

18 novembre 2016, ore 14:30
Roma – Lungotevere dei Mellini, n. 7

La disciplina di recepimento della direttiva ADR:
profili sostanziali e procedimentali

Presentazione di Giuseppe Leonardo Carriero
Relazione di Pierfrancesco Bartolomucci

La registrazione avrà inizio alle ore 13:30
e sarà accompagnata da un rinfresco di benvenuto


17 11, 2016

ECB launches a public consultation on a guide to the fit and proper assessments of bank board members

By | November 17th, 2016|Corporate, Finance, Newsflash|

[Newsflash n. 18]

On 14 November 2016 the European Central Bank (“ECB”) launched a public consultation concerning the criteria and procedures for determining suitability of bank board members.

In the framework of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (“SSM”), the ECB Banking Supervision has submitted to public consultation a 

7 11, 2016

CONSOB guidelines on the paragraph “Warning for the Investor” in Italian prospectuses

By | November 7th, 2016|Capital Markets, Finance, Financial Regulation, Newsflash|

[Newsflash n. 17]

On 28 October 2016 CONSOB issued Recommendation n. 0096857 (the “Recommendation”) on the drafting and inclusion of a paragraph “Warning for the Investor” (the “Warning”) in Italian prospectuses for public offering and/or admission to trading of financial instruments.

This Recommendation replaces the relevant provisions contained in the existing CONSOB Communication n. 0010807 of […]

26 10, 2016

Telemarketing a un bivio. Come difendere i consumatori e sostenere le imprese?

By | October 26th, 2016|Events|

26 October 2016

Sala Zuccari, Senato della Repubblica

Via della Dogana Vecchia 29, Rome


Our Senior Partner Marina Mirabella will be speaking at the Workshop titled “Telemarketing a un bivio. Come difendere i consumatori e sostenere le imprese?” about the actual and future developments in the European regulation of Telemarketing services.


[Edit – 28 October 2016] Here an article on the […]

25 10, 2016

CONSOB launches a public consultation for the implementation of MAR

By | October 25th, 2016|Capital Markets, Finance, Financial Regulation, Newsflash|

[Newsflash n. 16]

On 24 October 2016 CONSOB published a Consultation Paper on the proposals for certain amendments to CONSOB regulations on issuers (n. 11971/1999) and markets (n. 16191/2007), needed in order to implement the Market Abuse Regulation (EU Regulation No. 596/2014 of 16 April 2014, “MAR”) which came into force on 3 July 2016 – replacing the previous market abuse regime (MAD I).

The changes […]

24 10, 2016

CONSOB recommends using trading venues for public distribution of securities

By | October 24th, 2016|Capital Markets, Finance, Financial Regulation, Newsflash|

[Newsflash n. 15]

On 18 October 2016 CONSOB issued a Recommendation on the distribution of financial instruments (the “Recommendation”), after a public consultation launched on 9 May 2016 (see our Newsflash n. 7) as part of the three proposed actions aimed at strengthening investor protection.

The Regulator raises attention on potential flaws in the way […]

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