Consob has published the Report on financial investments of Italian households

For the first time, the study also contains a section, the third, dedicated to the sources of information Italian households draw from when it comes to investing their savings.

(Only in Italian)
Consob has published a Call for Attention to Intermediaries which must ensure increasingly clear, concise, and understandable information, even for less sophisticated clients, on sustainable finance issues related to ESG

Clients’ preferences and needs on these issues must, in addition, be effectively considered in investment suitability assessment and product governance.

In particular, Consob, in light of the monitoring activities conducted on the subject and the operational approaches reported, highlights some key elements worthy of careful consideration in the current stage of implementation of the regulatory framework of reference.

The Call for Attention is accompanied by a list of first positive and negative operational practices that have effectively emerged, which may be useful to support intermediaries in adopting more consistent and evolved application methods, with a view to better compliance with the discipline.

The Call for Attention – which does not establish new rules but emphasizes prescriptions that are already in force – was appropriate due to the huge production of EU-based regulations, which has rapidly stratified over the past few years.

Consob has ordered to be blacked out:

The number of websites blacked out since July 2019 has thus risen to 1130.

Bank of Italy has published its L egal research paper – SSM Regulation, ten years since

Bank of Italy has published the new issue of the series “Markets, infrastructures, payment systems” entitled “Byzantine Fault Tolerant consensus with confidential quorum certificate for a Central Bank DLT”

IVASS has published its Vigilance Bulletin – Year XII – No. 6 – June 2024

EBA has launched a public consultation on its draft ITS overhauling the EBA resolution planning reporting framework

The main proposals included in this consultation paper include bringing forward the submission deadline for reporting from April 30 to March 31, an extension of the scope of entities for which data is collected, and an expansion of the information requested on some topics, in particular organisational structure, granular liability data, critical functions, financial markets infrastructures data, critical services and critical information systems.

The changes reflect some of the information that resolution authorities are already, and separately, collecting from their institutions, notably that collected by the Single Resolution Board.

The consultation will end on 30 October 2024.

EIOPA has published its risk dashboard for the institutions for occupational retirement provision (IORPs), which shows that their exposure to market and asset return risks remains high due to continued market volatility and real estate market vulnerabilities