(Only in Italian)
IVASS has ordered to be blacked out the following websites:

  • iannucciassicurazioni.it
  • business.google.com/v/conte-assistenzaclienti/010619973158362765247/366a/_? caid=20959770620&agid=153187011250&gclid=Cj0KCQiAo KeuBhCoAR1sAB4Wxteyn6ddQ73VYgY_e1A9A5Rrcwt7PW8iAG5LXbtL0byZaBQ4VTx6b0aAi_Z EALw_wcB
  • www.turanobroker.com

ESMA has published the report on EU securities financing transactions (SFT) markets which provides a first comprehensive market-level overview of the EU repo market, based on information reported by market participants

EBA has published its final Guidelines on the resubmission of historical data under the EBA reporting framework

The Guidelines provide a common approach to the resubmission of historical data by the financial institutions to the competent and resolution authorities in case of errors, inaccuracies or other changes in the data reported, in accordance with the supervisory and resolution reporting framework developed by the EBA.