The number of websites blacked out since July 2019 has thus risen to 907.
The MoU defines the modalities by which the two Authorities will be able to request each other and exchange data, news and documents with specific reference to market abuse investigations, the regulation of which has been integrated and updated to adapt the text of the MoU to the evolution of the regulatory framework of the sector.
The agreement extends the cooperation between Consob and the Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office also to the coordination of investigations into hypotheses of financial abuse and obstruction of supervision, cases for which the Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office frequently assumes the role of competent Judicial Authority for any aspects of criminal relevance.
(Only in Italian)
Il nuovo Regolamento abroga il precedente sulla raccolta di capitali tramite portali on-line, adottato dalla Consob con delibera n. 18592 del 26 giugno 2013.
Contestualmente è stata pubblicata nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 134 la Delibera Consob n. 22721 del 1 giugno 2023 recante modifiche al regolamento di attuazione dell’articolo 32-ter, comma 2, TUF, concernente l’Arbitro per le controversie finanziarie (ACF).

Le modifiche sono volte a confermare la competenza dell’ACF sulle controversie tra investitori e fornitori di servizi di crowdfunding.
This Regulation lays down uniform requirements for the offer to the public and admission to trading on a trading platform of crypto-assets other than asset-referenced tokens and e-money tokens, of asset-referenced tokens and of emoney tokens, as well as requirements for crypto-asset service providers.
In particular, this Regulation lays down the following:
  • transparency and disclosure requirements for the issuance, offer to the public and admission of crypto-assets to trading on a trading platform for crypto-assets (‘admission to trading’);
  • requirements for the authorisation and supervision of crypto-asset service providers, issuers of asset-referenced tokens and issuers of e-money tokens, as well as for their operation, organisation and governance;
  • requirements for the protection of holders of crypto-assets in the issuance, offer to the public and admission to trading of crypto-assets;
  • requirements for the protection of clients of crypto-asset service providers;
  • measures to prevent insider dealing, unlawful disclosure of inside information and market manipulation related to crypto-assets, in order to ensure the integrity of markets in crypto-assets.
This Regulation applies to natural and legal persons and certain other undertakings that are engaged in the issuance, offer to the public and admission to trading of crypto-assets or that provide services related to cryptoassets in the Union.
MiCAR applies from 30 December 2024, except for Titles III (Asset-referenced Tokens) and IV (E-money Tokens) which apply from 30 June 2024.