(Only in Italian)
Il documento è volto a richiamare l’attenzione degli intermediari vigilati, dei soggetti sorvegliati e di quelli che operano a vario titolo negli ecosistemi decentralizzati, anche come utenti, sia sulle opportunità sia sui rischi connessi con l’uso di tali tecnologie e con l’operatività in cripto-attività, evidenziando alcuni profili rilevanti per il loro presidio.
(Only in Italian)
ESMA’s key achievements in 2021 included:
  • the recognition and tiering of third-country central counterparties (CCPs)
  • the coordination of supervisory activity across the EU through its Union strategic supervisory priorities, and the preparation for the supervision of data reporting service providers (DRSPs),
  • critical benchmarks and securitisation repositories.
The Annual Report also highlights the most significant elements of ESMA’s work in 2021, particularly the development of the regulatory framework for sustainable finance and the risks and opportunities arising from the digitalisation of markets especially for retail investors.
The 2021 Annual Report also includes the strategic priorities for 022, which include the review of the stress-testing framework, the implementation of the mandates in the areaof AML/CFT, financial innovation and sustainable finance, as well as the monitoring of the impact of the Russian war against Ukraine and of the COVID-19 pandemic on the EU banking sector.
EBA also has published the Consolidated Annual Activity Report (CAAR) which measures the EBA’s main activities based on the efficiency and effectiveness of the internal control systems.