(Only in Italian)
Pertanto, con la nota in oggetto tali linee guida assumono valore di orientamenti di vigilanza applicabili ai soggetti vigilati da Banca d’Italia.
Gli orientamenti saranno applicabili a decorrere dal 1° gennaio 2024.
The amendments will enter into force on 6 June 2022.
ESMA has published a Supervisory Briefing to ensure convergence across the European Union (EU) in the supervision of investment funds with sustainability features, and in combating greenwashing by investment funds.

This work will help combat greenwashing by establishing common supervisory criteria for National Competent Authorities (NCAs), to effectively supervise investment funds with sustainability features.
This briefing covers the following areas:
  • Guidance for the supervision of fund documentation and marketing material, as well as guiding principles on the use of sustainability-related terms in funds’ names; and
  • Guidance for convergent supervision of the integration of sustainability risks by AIFMs and UCITS managers